Well, according to the Sacred Sock Puppet in the White House it is.
He agrees with his good fascist buddies Castro and chavez, but this is NOT the "meddling" that he was so afraid of when it comes to Iran's bloody, disputed "election"....
And do not lose sight of the fact that it was zelaya who violated Honduras' constitution by trying to do a "pricktator for life" trip like castro and chavez...and, likely, b. hussein obama.
Does this surprise ANYBODY????
2012 can NOT come soon enough.
(hat-tip to Pam Gellar for the Guardian link.)
What happens in 2012/
That's right- you were expecting an election...
Sometimes i wonder if Hussein O even knows what he's saying. I mean, how can you not see the double standards then. Does he think everyone's just stupid or does he simply not care.
He's got the majority of the media - the so-called "watchdogs of government" polishing his ass with their lips.
Not surprising him believing he can walk on water.
Gonna be fun watchin' 'im drown as his term winds down....
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