If you hadn't read the headline on yesterday's DrudgeReport (I use it for my homepage), then you really need to see this story - particularly since WE are on the very leading edge in the War on HOMELAND Terrorism, right here on the internet:
Also, not only does Pharoah barack want to be able to take over the internet "in case of an emergency" - and just WHOM will decide precisely WHAT constitutes an "emergency"? - but there's also this, yet ANOTHER gambit to erase essential liberties from the Bill of Rights, that I got via a newsletter I get from HumanEvents.com:
(Pay attention to how these o-bortions BY the government are all targeted precisely at the very things the Founders put in the Constitution for us to use to protect our essential liberties FROM said government! The very things we NEED in order to keep the Sacred Sock Puppet from becoming just like his buddies hugo chavez and fidel castro....)
Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing
and Record of Sale Act of 2009
and Record of Sale Act of 2009

The Congressional Plan to Disarm Americans
No legislator in their right mind would vote for this bill now but you need to be aware of what is going on in Congress regarding gun ownership. I'm sorry; did I assume our House of Representatives were in their right minds? The Blair Holt Act is sweeping legislation that forces you to take extensive and numerous actions in order to own a gun or you will be criminalized.
Bill: House Resolution 45
Sponsor: Rep. Bobby Rush, Democrat from Illinois
Referred to: House Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security
These points are just the tip of the iceberg. You can get your PDF copy of the bill from the House of Representatives website. Read it and see how it decimates the rights enumerated in our 2 nd Amendment, and worse, makes following the law nearly impossible.
To get your copy of the bill click here
So how can we keep a weather eye on those that seek to limit our gun ownership? Join the National Rifle Association.
{I deleted the membership offer that followed. You can go to the NRA site on your own - and I recommend it, of course, since I'm a member.}
Let's Talk Personal Defense |
Across our great country from Virginia to California state governments will be releasing prisoners as a form of budget cuts. Municipalities from coast to coast have threatened to cut law enforcement officers because of decreased tax revenue and budget problems.
Putting more criminals on the street and cutting cops is beyond reckless. What about cutting welfare? No, that won't happen. So if you choose to carry a gun do so with all the knowledge you can get.

Here is an offer that may just keep you alive.
Sign up for this free newsletter from the United States Concealed Carry Association. My good friends at the USCCA are the masters of handgun carry and defense tactics. Teach yourself to defend yourself and live to see another day.
This is a free offer. Sign up for the Armed American newsletter and carry with confidence.
Do what you want with this information, but I highly recommend that you get going and do SOMETHING with it.
You see what I'm doing.....

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