18 June 2011

A Note To Dads On This Father's Day

The following is from an email I got from OneMillionDads.com.
I need add nothing more except that - imperfect as I am - I still at least TRY to live up to those tenets.
Lord knows - and my wife will tell you - that I don't always measure up.


"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding." Proverbs 4:1

Its good to be mindful that, amongst other things, God's Word is a book of standards. It's a book of ideals. It's a book of wisdom to be followed. No human being is perfect but Jesus. However, as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to strive to become more and more like Him. So, to all Dads, note that the following biblical insights are to encourage you to seek to be all that the Lord would have you to be as an earthly Dad. And they are to encourage you to seek to become more and more like the Lord Jesus, and our Heavenly Father. He is the model for us all.

As Dads, none of us have arrived. We are all in desperate need of God's grace to be the kind of Dad we need to be. Let's pray for each other, and always strive daily to be the faithful Christian fathers God has called us to be.

This Father's Day, please take a few minutes to read these truths from Pastor Joseph Parker:

A Faithful Christian Father
God gives us in His Word some of the most important characteristics or attributes of a faithful Christian father. We can find some of those characteristics in both the Old and New Testament. What are some of those characteristics? Let's consider a few:

1) He has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of his life. John 3:16, and Romans 10:9
2) He seeks to read the Word of God daily for himself. Psalm 1, and Psalm 119:105
3) He spends time in prayer daily. Mark 1:35 and Philippians 4:6-7
4) He seeks to have a time daily to bring the family together to read the Word of God, teach from the Word, and pray together. Deuteronomy 6:1-9, and Ephesians 6:1-4.
5) He takes and/or makes time to train and instruct his children, teaching them about God, the Word of God, and teaching them wisdom for all areas of life. Deuteronomy 6: 1 - 9, Proverbs 2: 1-9, Proverbs 3: 1-2, Proverbs 4: 1-6.
6) He seeks to lead and take his family to church regularly - such as worship service on Sundays and Bible studies on Wednesdays. Joshua 24:15, and Hebrews 10:24-25
7) He has a sense of mission in his life. He seeks with passion to fulfill the specific call of God on his life, whatever that calling may be. Romans 12:1 - 2, Colossians 3:1-3.
8) He works hard to provide for his family. I Timothy 5:8. (God gave Adam a job before He gave him a wife in Genesis 2.)
9) He is a protector for his family. Matthew 1-2.
10) He lives the life of a good role model for his family and others. Joshua 24:15.

The world in which we live is in tremendous need of the ministry of faithful Christian fathers. Pray that God will raise up many of them who understand the important place and call of God upon them to be men after God's own heart in their home and in society and culture as well.

Joseph Parker is a pastor and serves on staff at American Family Association.

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