04 August 2013

The Judas Goat

{both pix from BareNakedIslam.com - and h/t to her for the link to Gateway Pundit}

Four Americans died - yeah, real-world, no "reset the game and replay", flag-draped-coffin DEAD - in the 9/11/12 attack on the "diplomatic mission" in Benghazi.

King Putt had used (now deceased) Ambassador Stevens as his point-man for arming (with weapons purchased with OUR tax-money) the LIBYAN "rebels" (who have inconvenient ties to al-Qaida that we're not supposed to know about), and was using him again to funnel weapons (purchased with OUR tax-money) to the SYRIAN "rebels" (who have inconvenient ties to al-Qaida that we're not supposed to know about) when the attack which killed him and three other Americans took place.
(more on this from a former Muslim Brotherhood member over at TheGatewayPundit.com)

Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty geared-up at another compound in Benghazi and crossed a mile of "injun country" to help get about 30 other Americans out of the attack area and off to safety.

They paid for that with their lives.

At one point, Woods used a laser designator to paint the position of the mortar crew who were dumping rounds on them - an act which (as a former SeAL) he HAD to know would give away HIS position.
Also (as a former SeAL) he would NOT have painted that target unless he KNEW there would be an asset to shoot it.

No asset (Predator drone, AC130 gunship, or even any Boy Scouts with BB guns) shot that target, but the mortar crew realized what was happening and dropped rounds on Woods, killing him.

...politics, of course.

And in the meantime, the SYRIAN "rebels" (who have inconvenient ties to al-Qaida that we're not supposed to know about) have been merrily kidnapping, raping, and beheading Christian civilians - in addition to any of the Syrian Army troops (who have inconvenient ties to Iran and Russia that we're not supposed to know about) unlucky enough to be captured.

Oh, and all those "embassy closures", supposedly based on the "chatter" that the intel people have picked up on?
...all that does is tell the terrorists where they need to plug the leaks in their own security.

A "Judas Goat" is an animal specifically trained to lead a herd of other animals calmly into the slaughterhouse.
It saves a lot of fuss and muss when the sheep stroll placidly - almost eagerly - to the place where they will be killed. 

Get the picture, America?

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