03 February 2021

Et Tu, china joe?

So the articles of "impeachment" were brought to the Senate by a gang of thieves and spies, liars and Quislings from the House.

The socialists are making a mockery of every other Article in the Constitution, so why should impeachment be any different?

Bear in mind that nanny-state pelosi has "presided" over HALF of the "impeachments" in the entirety of 230+ years of American History, and Emperor china joe has signed enough Executive Orders/Actions (40+) the first two weeks of his alleged "presidency" to equal about half as many as any other President has done in their first YEAR.

This shit is getting more than serious - do a search for the socialists' "HR1" - and I'm firmly convinced that they want more blood in the streets.
...statehood for D.C., packing SCOTUS, taking election law-making authority away from the individual states, amnesty for millions of illegals at the same time they've halted building the wall, shutting down a private enterprise (Keystone Pipeline), race-based discrimination codified in FedGov agencies, and on and on......

We've already got Civil (insurgency) War 2 happening on the back burners, and these psychotic ass-nuggets sure seem to want to move it to the front burners and crank up the heat.

We already have a modern-day Kristallnacht happening with My Pillow, Parler, and a fuck-ton of other smaller companies - what else would you call governmental attempts to intimidate, bankrupt, terrorize, silence these businesses?
...isn't that the same as what the brown shirts did to the Jews in 1930's Germany - just without all the cleaning up of busted glass?

I'm not one to charge blindly into "Godwin's Law", but I'm a student of History, and - to quote Mark Twain - "History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme."

The socialists running D.C. - along with their goebbels in the media, their Schutzstaffel tech-tyrants, and brown-shirt blm and antifa terrorists - have taken 1930's German History and spun it into a limerick that Machiavelli could have written.

I don't think I'm being over-dramatic when I say that these are some of the most dangerous times that America has ever faced.

Cicero put it pretty well - remember he was murdered for voicing his disapproval of the ruling Roman regime at the time....

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