13 January 2022

Bones v. Fur

These days, things move way too fast, so I'm changing how I do this blog...just a bit.

Face it, people are way too busy figuring out if they should try the latest Tide-Pod challenge or if they need 3 masks or 4 while they're jogging alone outside.
Some of them barely look up from their phones long enough to see the car wreck they're about to cause.

And that is why I'm changing the way I do this page - maybe putting it out a bit more often - and definitely making it shorter and more to the point.

....as the inimitable Paul Harvey used to say when he was getting right to the point - "shuck right down to the cob".

As a Montana boy, I prefer to say, "I'm gonna peel the fur off" - topic by topic, peeling off the bullshit, propaganda, spin and static to get to the bare bones of what's happening at the "boots on the ground" level of this world - so let's get to it:

Regarding today's SCOTUS decision on vax mandates:  they got it Constitutionally right shutting down the private company mandate, but kavanaugh was no Solomon when he cut the baby in half and sided with the marxists in allowing the mandates to stand for medical facilities accepting government funds.

So there's two "Bones" here

1.  SCOTUS has authorized government extortion to force compliance.

And, to be VERY clear, when medical professionals are fired for not "complying" with the mandate - many of whom have already HAD the bioweapon and survived it - that will cause a shortage of trained personnel (check the hospitals in MA, CA, and NY) which will inevitably mean...and please read this carefully: 


When those people die, kavanaugh will have as much blood on his hands as do breyer, sotomayor, kagen, and the disgusting Quisling john roberts.

And make no mistake - the "elite" who have essentially condemned countless innocent people to death will suffer precisely zero consequences for their purely ideological, blatantly unConstitutional decision.

...and this shit won't end until We The People grab hold of the tyrannical FedGov (and its bureaucracy) by the tenders, and force it back into the box which the Constitution was created to lock it in. 

WE have to do it - a loose dog will never snap on its own leash.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

People are innocent or they are evil.