16 October 2008

No Double-Standards Here, Either...

First, "Joe the Plumber" helps The Messiah expose the ugly socialist behind that teflon mask:

Then, Joe the Plumber figures prominently in the final Presidential debate

Naturally, the jackals in The Messiah's Fifth Column (the media) frantically begin to investigate whom?
Joe the Plumber, of course...

Of course, there's nearly zero "journalistic curiosity" about the terrorist and socialist (redundant, I know) bill ayers, with his long-standing relationship with the sock puppet....LONG AFTER the crap when obama was "eight years old" and ayers said - leaving the court room after being freed on a technicality - "Guilty as hell, free as a bird, what a great country...."

Investigations into the links between the Anointed One and acorn
...yeah, right....
Like the alphabet nutworks are going to tell you about the $830,000 obama's campaign gave to acorn, or the classes he taught them when he was a beginning punk thug in the Chicago corruption machine, or the time he represented them in a lawsuit....?

Perhaps just the tiniest bit of background into the preacher who was the puppet's mentor?
Nope, after that exhibition at the Washington Press Club - where he confirmed his patently anti-American racism - the "Reverend" jeremiah wright has been conspicuously inconspicuous.

Nope, no bias in the media.
None at all.
Nothing to see here....move along, move along......and don't forget to vote - early and often.

...sorry, got caught up in the liberalite hype there for a moment........


MathewK said...

"...sorry, got caught up in the liberalite hype there for a moment..."

Frustrating isn't it, rest assured they'll get what's coming to them one day.

TouchStone said...

Them punks got some HEAVY karma comin'....

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